Carlos the Comma

Dragon Under Glass
About the Author
(Adverb Analysis Tool)
Writing Resources
Grammar for Babies

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Scan your writing for pesky adverbs, which drain the life out of your verbs.


Paste parts of your writing below. Click the "Analyze" button, and the Adverbalyzer will go through your text and highlight some suspected adverbs.

After you know about them, go back to your document and eliminate them. Why? Because using an adverb can indicate that you chose a weak verb and needed the adverb to punch it up. Instead, choose a stronger verb. This isn't always easy, but it requires some creativity, so it can be fun.


He walks awkwardly into the room.
He limps into the room. He stumbles into the room. He flops into the room. He waddles into the room. Etc.

Please note: Your writing is never stored or read by our employees. We have enough work to keep us very busy. I mean, to swamp us.

1. Paste your text below.

2. Click the checkbox to accept our terms and conditions below.
 By clicking on this checkbox or on the Analyze button below, I agree to hold Dragon Under Glass, Carlos the Comma, and its affiliated companies and persons completely harmless in the event that I believe my writing is stolen. I recognize that persons affiliated with Dragon Under Glass may create or have created items and ideas similar or identical to analyzed material in various aspects, including but not limited to theme, form, and plot. I agree that I am not entitled to claims or compensation due to the use of any such work which may have been independently created. This is standard industry release language, and I may not use the analysis service without agreeing to these terms.

Dragon Under Glass does not capture my writing beyond what is necessary to provide this service and does not read my writing submitted to this tool. I understand that if I wish to, I may contact Dragon Under Glass at and arrange to appear in person and audit the analysis software to verify that no submitted works are stored in a manner that can be read by employees and affiliates. This analysis tool is written in ColdFusion, so I will need to bring a ColdFusion-knowledgeable Web programmer to verify this.